Sunday, 17 July 2011

Cerita yang disampaikan oleh Mok

Stared by Ammar Muzammil as Mok
Diolah oleh Alif as Alif Akmal

Mok : Today I am going to talk about " What will I do if I am in a warzone "

 " One night, I was awake. I saw my house was on fire. Then, I saw a naked soldier holding a sniper want to shoot my head. After that, I jump into the bushes  and I crawl. I crawl, crawl, crawl and crawl. And then, I saw a big tree in front of me. Then, I lean at the tree and I smoke 2 Winston cigarattes. After that, I go herrrggghhhh. Then, I was asleep. "

 " Suddenly, I have a dream. I dreamed that I should climb to the highest mountain and to the SOS thing. After that, I was awake. I look in the peep of the bushes and I saw 5,000 sexy soldiers wearing bikinis. They also are holding bazookas, water guns, compasses , compass and kompang to catch me. I leap up from the bushes and I scream ' Heay , heay '. After that, the soldiers and tried to catch me. I run to them and I sidestep  sidestep and they eat eat and I say ' Ek ek pot pot '. Then, I reach to the camp and I saw a commander with a moustache like Mister Potato called Marion.S doing a tabik spring and withdrawed his sword. I then open  my bunga tanjung , muay thai and starlight his head. Then, he die. "

 " Then, I reach to the mountain. I climb climb climb climb climb and I saw a monkey next to me was slower then me. A few hours later, I reach the top of the mountain. I found some lime water on the top of the mountain. Then, I had an idea. I took the lime water and I open my bag. I pulled out my basin and mix the lime water with acid, maltose, glucose, benedict, millon and iodine and then it turned into fire. Then, I make the SOS thing. Fifteen minutes later, 50 helicopters come to save me. On of the helicopter pulled out a rope ladder to me. I climb the ladder and get into the helicopter. The pilot's name is Pilot Alif Akmal. I then bombed the place with fireworks and I know I conquered the place."

                                               THE END                          

                                This is Ammar Muzammil bin Mohd Kamaruzaman

Monday, 4 July 2011

Perampasan Handsetku !!!

     Pada hari ini, pukul 2.15 petang, handsetku telah dirampas oleh seorang cikgu yang bernama Syed Agil. Aku pada mulanya dalam perjalanan ke PSS Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah, tiba-tiba sahaja disergah oleh Cikgu Syed Agil di pintu masuk PSS. Aku masih teringat lagi dialognya :-

" Eh, kamu yang saya bagi balik MP3 tu kan "

" Ye cikgu "

     Tiba-tiba jer di meraba poket aku nak carik bender. Aku dengan blanknya kisah aper. Pastu, ALLAHUAKBAR !! Aku ada handset dalam poket. Harap2 lah tak ambik. Namun, nasib tidak menyebelahi aku apabila dia masukkan tangannya ke dalam poketku :-

'' Naper kamu bawak phone ke sekolah "

     Tanpa sempat berkata aper-aper, dia terus bla dan menyuruh aku ke bilik warden.Aku pun berjalanlah ke bilik warden tanpa sepatah kata.


    Aku tiba di bilik warden dan cikgu menyuruh aku duduk di atas sofa, Dia menerangkan kepadaku bahawa phoneku bloeh diambil pada akhir tahun. What the **** ! Fine, lagipun tinggal 5 bulan lagi. Aku bla dengan hati yang kurang senang.

                                                                 TAMAT SUDAH

Friday, 1 July 2011

Hari Akademik

     Pada 1.7.2011, sepatutnya semua ahli keluarga datang ke sekolah untuk mengambil keputusan peperiksaan anak masing-masing. Malangnya, aku dan beberapa pelajar Form 2 berasa sedih pada hari itu. KENAPA ???
     Parents kami semua tak datang pada waktu itu.. Bagi aku memanglah takper kalo sekali jer. Masalahnya, tahun lepas pun Mak dan Ayah aku tak datang gak. TENSIOOOONN !!!!!!
     Takperlah kot. Mungkin di semua kerinduan ku ini, ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Tetapi, semoga Ibu dan Ayah aku datang melihat keputusanku pada hari akan datang...
